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Established in 2021, Reach Media is the Pioneer of Digital Evolution in Dominica. We stand at the dawn of a new era, where technology and creativity converge to redefine advertising.


Screens Island Wide

Our Vision

We envision a future where advertising is not just about promoting a product or service, but about creating meaningful connections. We strive to lead the advertising industry in Dominica, known for our innovative approaches, quality services, and commitment to client success.

Our Mission

To revolutionize the advertising industry in the Caribbean through innovative, efficient, and data-driven solutions. We are committed to fostering strong relationships with our clients, promoting sustainability, and contributing positively to our local community.

Our Core Values

Integrity: Upholding honesty and fostering an environment of openness and trust. Innovation: Continuously seeking new ideas and leveraging data and automation to enhance operational effectiveness. Collaboration: Placing clients' needs at the heart of operations and encouraging teamwork for mutual growth. Engagement: Committed to promoting sustainability and demonstrating dedication to the local community and the wider Caribbean region. Accountability: Holding ourselves responsible for actions and delivering reliable services consistently.

Our Mindset

Growth: We view challenges as opportunities for learning and growth, embracing changes in our industry. Future-Oriented: We are always planning and working towards the future of our company, staying ahead of trends and changes. Data-Driven: We make informed decisions based on data and analytics, ensuring our strategies are effective and yield positive results. Ethical: We consider the ethical implications of our operations, respecting personal information, and avoiding any form of violation. Resilience: We adapt quickly to changes, overcoming distance or challenges, and always finding ways to bounce back stronger. Leadership: We take initiative, acknowledge the role of company leadership, and are not afraid to speak up or take charge.


Kerwin George

CEO & Co-Founder

Kerwin's passion for data analysis and innovation drives us forward; his expertise in Bioinformatics fuels our quest for groundbreaking insights and transformative solutions.

Henderson Bruney Jr.

Operations Manager/ Data Analyst & Co-Founder

Drawing from his Urban Planning Experience; Henderson plays a crucial role in identifying strategic locations for our digital billboards while analyzing the intricacies of urban demographics.

Hallie Bruney

CMO & Co-Founder

Hallie contributes her expertise in International Business, enriching our team's perspective. She actively guides the evolution of our services to cater to a wide range of business requirements while keeping us abreast of the latest advertising trends

Britana George

CFO/ Field Operations

Combining her expertise in Accounting and Networking, Britana fortifies our financial strategies and cultivates robust industry connections.